Africa is the continent with the least amount of confirmed cases of corona virus, with west africa as a whole not yet hitting the 100 mark.
The fear the disease generates is however far-reaching. The western side of Africa is not new to outbreaks of such, with the far more devastating Ebola virus having plagued the region some years back.
The world looked on as the region struggled frantically to contain the virus, with Sierra-leone one of the worst hit countries and Nigeria handling the case as good as it could afford to, looking back now, retrospectively. God bless Dr Stella Adadevoh, a exemplary matyr, who inadvertently layed down her life, so the country, could survive.
Ghana has already placed stringent measures and travel restrictions, and Nigeria with three confirmed cases is still leaving her borders open, confident that she can manage this virus should it spread locally. More on this soon.
But you see, fear and lack of information actually go hand in hand, as rumours begin to spread,and the virus attracts a reputation so vile, it pales compared to what we suffered from the Ebola. And why shouldn't it, with a movie-like tragic beginning, when the Chinese doctor who first suspected it, Dr Li-Wenliang was muffled by the authoritarian Chinese government.
And surprisingly, an illness purported by recent data to only be fatal amongst the sickest of people, cost the supposed healthy 34 year old ophthalmologist, his life on the 7th of February 2020.
Before we officially begin, lets look at what medscape, (the go to place for medically inclined folks about any and everything medicine) says.
The summary, for non-medically inclined folks, is that its transmitted by respiratory droplets, including coming in contact with where those droplets have landed,(Note that it can survive for 2-3 days).
In every 10 patients who test positive, 4 of them would have mild symptoms, just a mild dry cough, a bit of fever, nothing other than the usual flu (note that one of these people may or may not progress to severe, same for those with moderate symptoms)
Another 4 would have moderate symptoms, i.e difficulty breathing, worsening cough, high temperature, 1 - 2 of the may be severe enough to need admission, and out of every 10 who is admitted, 1 or 2 of them may become critical, one person may be so critical he would need to be in the intensive care unit. statistics are better described from the source material.
It takes about 2 weeks for those with mild illness to recover, 3-6 weeks for those with severe illness, and death usually results within 2 weeks to 2 months of infection.
What if you made a mistake, you shook an infected, although asymptomatic, you picked at your nose and now you're infected, what are you expecting? what would you feel.
This brings us to the next article.
Stay tuned.
NOTE; Some of the highlighted words take you to the source material where information was gotten. feel free to click and follow the link so you can access the source material.
Feel free to leave a comment after you read, ill respond in my spare time and incorporate changes in coming articles. thanks. DAMI
And so the story continues...educative yet entertaining read