A quick search through the myriad of definitions and I was able to find one with leanings towards what I'm talking about.

"People with whom one has social or professional contact or to whom one is related, especially those with influence and able to offer one help"

So what then does it mean to connect? Even I do not yet have the complete grasp of the concept, but I understand to some extent what it means to me.

To some, it means going out to the world and interacting with as much people as possible, to expand your network base, to meet people outside your field and expose yourself to a myriad of rare opportunities which could be brought from unexpected sources.

This makes a lot of sense, in this country riddled with uncertainties and also where you often don't get to work and earn with the degree certificate you earn in university.

I think at every point in time one must seek to connect. But I also believe that connection can be strategic. Especially for those who have already chosen a field with which they intend to work and earn their living through.

To those kinds of people connecting wouldn't necessarily meaning casting your die of friendship out there hoping to get lucky with any and everyone, rather it emphasizes the importance of building your network in your chosen field by choosing to selectively pursue long term interactions with both senior and junior colleagues wherever and whenever possible, atrending conferences, meetings and training opportunities both in person and via a virtual way.

As I've always maintained, peoples realities are different and as such we should never impose what we see as the right way of making connections as the true way irrespective of our experience.

And as I've always said. The right connection is a retrospective diagnosis. Meaning it's only after you see the importance of the connection that you can maintain that yes, you did make the right choice.

To end this brief article, I leave us with this vital quote I realised during my days of musings.

"Knowing how you wish to end can influence how you choose to begin".

When you have a clear vision of your end-goal in your head, you can decide however you choose to connect.

You can decide, your very beginning. 
